Jobs and discriptions for the 2024 season, NOW TAKING RESUMES
Hours: 35/week for 8 Weeks Start 1st week of May Finish June 21 or 28th
Wage: $20.00/hour
Age: 16-30
Hours: 35/week For 8 Weeks Start 1st week of July
Wage: $17.00/hour
Age: 16-30
Hours: 35/week For 8 Weeks Start 1st week of July
Wage: $17.00/hour
Age: 16-30
Hours: 35/week for 8 Weeks Start 1st week of July
Wage: $17.00/hour
Age: 16-30
Hours: 35/week for 8 Weeks Start 1st week of July
Wage: $17.00/hour
Age: 16-30
Hours: 35/week for 8 Weeks Start 1st week of July
Wage: $17.00/hour
Age: 16-30
This position is part of the STEP program, so applicants will need to qualify for the position using the criteria set by the STEP program. Applicants are no longer required to be enrolled in secondary education programs.
Please send your resume to cummingslake1@gmail.com
You can contact Dawn at 780-835-8651
Tasks and Responsibilities for Park Arboriculturist, Workers, Laborers, Groundskeeper & Caretaker:
Maintenance Landscaping: - Contouring, shaping, seeding grass, rock picking, underbrush removal
Fencing: - Surveying, staking, post pounding, rolling out page wire, stapling to posts
Tree Removal, Care & Pruning: - Use of hand tools, hand saw, pruning and loping shears, wheel barrels
Lawn Mowing: - Ride on mowers, emptying bagger.
Building Maintenance: - Interior cleaning - Exterior painting - Eavestrough cleaning - Tin and/or shingle repairs - Siding repairs and replacement
Path Construction: - Laying out Geotec, cutting Geotec, spreading and leveling aggregate
Surveying: staking Piping, Surveying, Assisting in trenching, laying piping, back filling
Picnic Table Construction:
Metal Work - cut and weld metal for structure - Grinding rough edges - Mark and drill holes for fasteners
Wood Work - Cut boards to length - Sand and smooth boards - Pre-drill pilot holes for bolts - Fasten tops to frames with lag bolts
Possible Pond Construction: - Survey and stake - Assist in excavation, shaping - Cut Geotec cloth and lay in place - Knife use, ergonomics and safety ,Construct Cement Forms: - Lay and tie re bar - Assist in concrete placement and leveling - Apply sugar for exposed aggregate - Pressure wash to expose aggregate - Remove cement forms and level next to pond
Possible Wall Construction - Survey and stake out pilot holes - Assist in augering holes - Cut sauna tubing - Level and brace sauna tubing - Tie re bar in place - Assist in cement pour - Assist in backfill and tamping - Form support walls and brace
Tools Used – table saw, hand saws, jig saw, metal chop saw, wire tie tool, hammers, transit, map reading, exacto knife, pry bars
Possible Shed Construction: - Survey and staking - Assist in augering holes - Place, plumb in posts - Mark and fasten purlins - Fabricate roof trusses with jig - Assist in placement of fabric on sub structure - Mark and fasten purlins on roof - Apply tin to roof and walls - Fabricate door and frame - Assist in tying in water filtration equipment
Possible Board Walk: - Survey and mark post locations - Assist in augering holes - Place and brace post, backfill posts - Survey and mark levels on posts - Notch on posts for boards supports - Install support boards on posts - Lay out, cut to shape, install deck boards - Install kick boards and top hand rails Road and Parking Lot - Survey and mark edges with grades - Assist in achieving levels with grading equipment - Lay out and cut Geotec membrane - Assist with aggregate placement and leveling
What skills will the participant develop during this placement?
Teamwork: Together as a team they will plan and perform tasks. No firm leader will be dedicated among students, they each will have input. Supervisors will be overseeing meetings.
Communication: Morning safety meetings, tailgate meetings, and relaying thoughts to other workers and supervisors. They will also be learning to communicate via safety documentation.
Leadership: Teams will always find a leader, it is up to the supervisors to determine who must change teams so that all members of a team feel free to communicate, and all have their say. Through first aid training and safety training which will allow members to gain confidence, and leadership skills will follow.
Other: Welding- participants will spend time on theory and welding Wood working- use of basic and power tools will be taught to, and practiced by youths. Small machine operating- use of quads, mowers, and trailers to construct trails and maintain park. Youth will be trained to safely master operating skills. Building maintenance- youth will be trained in the importance of proper maintenance and upkeep of park structures and buildings. Landscaping- youth will learn how to level ground, construct with proper water run off. Seeding of grass, planting of trees.