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Redevelopment of Cummings Lake

Ring Creek Recreation Company Ltd. (RCRC)'s  goal is to make Cummings Lake a destination for people traveling to Alaska, as well as for a weekend retreat for people of the Peace Region.

We want to encourage individual families, youth groups, senior groups, and educational institutes to benefit from the environmental and recreational use.

Ring Creek Recreation Company Ltd. wants to build Cummings Lake into a recreational retreat, with a world class fishing experience.

To achieve our goal as a destination for people to travel to, improvements will be needed.



Currently under development.

-Work on cleaning up blue green algea

-Removal of underbrush and dead trees. 

-Repairing damages that have happened to the park over the years. 

- Working on getting Trout to winter over

- Work on a cabin


Future development plans.

Redevelop the unused beach area. 

-Create 12 water front lots

-Creation of "Legacy Lane"  

-Hosting local festivals to induce local participation.

-Creation of a Tuck Shop.


Accomplishments of 2023!

 - upgrade 2 sites to pull throughs

- Install new boat launch

-Started on tire playground

-Installed 3 teepee pole stands

-Reintated another outhouse


Accomplishments of 2022!

- added gravel to lots

- moved bus into place

- built a new boat launch ( Thanks to Fairview Rotary)

- upgraded 2 pull through sites

- opened up boat launch area

- added 5,400 trout to the lake (Thanks to Spicer Farms)

- Hired 8 students with the help of the STEP program


Accomplishments of 2021!

- Graveled and hard faced the road through the camp ground (thanks to Bieg-A-Hoe and Spicer Farms)

- Painted 2 Outhouses (thanks to Woodland Home Hardware and RCRC summer students)

- Renovated and repurposed the Camp shack into a wood working shop (thanks to Spicer Farms and RCRC summer students)

- Started painting rails around the Camp Ground

- Added 4,800 trout to the lake (Thanks to Spicer Farms!)

- Hired 16 students with the help of the STEP program


Accomplishments of 2020!

-Made a secure campground area. 

-Canoe Rentals! 

- Hired 9 students with the help of the STEP program

- Fixed up 2 out houses

- 30 swallow houses built and installed (Thanks to Home Hardware Building Supplies and the RCRC summer students!)

- Added  8,000 trout to the lake (Thanks to Spicer Farms!)



Accomplishments of 2019!

- Reduction of Mosquito population. (making the sites and trails much better to be on) 

- Added 10,000 trout to the lake (Thanks to Spicer Farms!)

- Aeration of the lake (Thanks to Spicer Farms!) 

- 31 swallow houses built and installed (Thanks to Home Hardware Building Supplies and the RCRC summer students!)

- Fresh gravel in stalls and in the outhouse areas (Thanks to the MD of Fairview and Beigel Oilfield!) 

-Widening of camp grounds by mulching underbrush (Thanks to Beigel Oilfield , RCRC Summer Students and Spicer Farms!) 

-Hosting our first festival, The Harvest Festival!



The success of this project will be achieved and made better with input from the public.  Please sign up to be a Friend of Cummings Lake, the more memberships we have the more we can show that this project is needed and wanted by the public at large.

"Thank you guys for everthing it's been a pleasure and we really did enjoy camping there and will definitly be back for a weekend."

" We loved it!"

Our Address

Mail: Box 1624 Fairview AB T0H 1L0

Location:  SW 10-82-3-W6M Fairview 

Contact Us

TEL: BOOKINGS 780-835-8651

TEL: MAINTENANCE  780-835-1234


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